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Girls With Impact is on a Mission

To level the playing field for all women in business & beyond by equipping them with the skills, confidence, and network to be tomorrow’s leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs.

Meet GWI CEO and Founder

Jennifer Openshaw

Founder, Chief Executive Officer

“When speaking at Davos, I recognized global leaders at this World Economic Forum kept emphasizing the need for organizations to invest in women.

After 30 years of hearing the same talk, I knew it was time for action.

Instead of trying to fix corporate culture from the top down, let’s make a change at the heart of the problem: Equip the next generation at the start.

That’s what we did.

Partnering with business leaders and educators from Harvard Business School, we developed a modern, outcomes-driven approach designed to ensure young women are ready to excel in the workforce from Day One.

Why we need GWI

Women’s role representation decreases up the ladder of leadership positions… Women are:

58% of the workforce

35% of senior leadership positions

17% of all executive officers

8% Fortune 1000 CEOs

*No wonder only ⅓ of young women see themselves as leaders.*

By creating the next generation leaders—no matter their background—and a strong network that will serve them in both the corporate and public sectors, we can change these statistics.